About Us
Making a Difference
Our Vision
Our vision for the future is for everyone to have a safe place to call home and feel worthy of being safe!
- Prepare meals for homeless outreaches and collect essentials (blankets, undergarments, recycled clothes, and toiletries) for homeless “Bags of Hope”!
- Collaborate with other grassroots nonprofits, making a more significant impact in the community.
- Educating the community with facts on homelessness and human trafficking here in AZ as well as across the country. Small gatherings impact the community more than you would think.
- Organize events to raise money for upcoming outreaches, survivor care, and support of victims.
Since 2021, Handing Out Hope has given out 7 Gina Estrada Sullivan Scholarships totaling $12,500. With the help of the community and businesses, we can raffle off high-ticket baskets and give back to the community in Gina’s name.

Partners and Support
GO Clubs
Go Clubs–mission is to empower biological girls to foster courage, curiosity, and resilience as they discover their potential and make a positive impact in their communities.www.go-clubs.org. GO Clubs organized “Hope Bags” for the homeless community. GO Clubs stuffed 50+ Christmas Forster Care Stockings.
Our Rescue
We lead the fight against child sexual exploitation and human trafficking worldwide. Our Rescue offers Handing Out Hope support and education for survivors and recovery care. Our Rescue gave a survivor Handing Out Hope support, a rescue puppy that has literally saved the survivor’s life in so many ways. OURresscue.org
Love Society
Creating a community of LOVE by encouraging children, adults, and businesses to get involved in making a difference to get involved in making a difference through events and filling Love Bags for children and families in need. Handing Out Hope participates in Love Society’s annual events created over the years. Mother’s Day Event, Foster Care Christmas, Golf Outings, and Homeless Outreaches. lovesocietyaz.org
Friends of the Word
Mission is to advance the instruction of the public on subjects useful to individuals and beneficial to the community. To provide an education on the Holy Bible and the Gospels of our Lord Jesus Christ. Father Scurti supports survivors and guides HOH with survivor care.
“There was never a night or a problem that could defeat the sunrise or hope.”

Arizona Stats on trafficking and homelessness:
- Based on data gathered by the U.S. State Department, Arizona is a prime transit and destination area for both sex and labor trafficking in the United States. Sex trafficking is a high-profit, low-risk crime where the commodity, a human body, can be sold repeatedly, unlike drugs or weapons, where the product can only be sold once.
- Only 1-2% of human trafficking victims are ever identified. (National Human Trafficking Resource Center)
- The average age of entry for youth into sex trafficking in Arizona is 14. Law enforcement has seen girls as young as 9 sold for sex. (Office of Sex Trafficking Intervention Research, Arizona State University)
- In Arizona, 1 in 3 homeless young adults have experienced sex trafficking—and the figure is even higher when isolating for female victims. (“Youth Experiences Survey,” Office of Sex Trafficking Intervention Research, Arizona State University)
- Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery in which traffickers use force, fraud, or coercion to control victims.
“Say hello to Jeff; he is a 59-year old homeless man who lives currently at CASS downtown PHX and takes a bus to Avondale and Goodyear during the day. I would feed him from time to time and told him to reach out if he ever needed anything. He never asked for anything, then one afternoon Jeff called “Helping Heather” (what he calls me), and asked if I could help him find a bike. Within two days, Handing Out Hope was able to deliver Jeff an amazing bike that was donated by a family in our community. He is getting exercise and enjoying his new ride for sure.”

Phoenix, AZ